Proverbs 3

More good words

1Do not forget what I teach you, my son. Always remember what I ask you to do.

2What I teach will give you a long and good life. And it will give you peace.

3Do not let love go, and always do right things. Keep them like valuable stones round your neck and never forget them.

4If you do that, you will make God happy. And you will make people happy too.

5Always trust the LORD completely. Do not think that your own wisdom is enough.

6Remember the LORD in everything that you do. If you do, he will show you the right way to go.

7Do not think about yourself as wiser than you really are. Be afraid of the LORD and refuse to do wrong things.

8If you do, it will be like good medicine. It will be like medicine that makes your body well. And it will be like something that makes your bones strong.

9Obey the LORD‘s rules with your money and offer him the best things from your farm.

10If you do, you will not have enough places to store everything from your farm. And you will have more wine than you can keep.

11My son, the LORD will sometimes punish you. And he will sometimes tell you that you have done wrong things. Do not be angry when he does. And, when the LORD wants you to change something, obey him.

12A father may be happy that his son is doing good things. But he will tell him if his son has done something wrong. The LORD will do the same to the people that he loves.

13Happy is anyone who becomes wise. And happy is anyone who finds out what to do.

14It is better than silver or the best gold.

15It is better to be wise than to have very valuable stones. Nothing that you want could have more value.

16If you are wise, you will have a long life. And you will have money, and people will call you a great person.

17When you are wise, your life will be really good. And you will always be safe.

18 Wise people are happy. They will take hold of the good things of life.

19The LORD, who is wise, made all the earth. And by wisdom he put the sky where it is.

20The LORD who is wise, created the rivers and the clouds to give rain to the earth.

21My son, remember my wise words and do not lose your wisdom. Always be wise when you are choosing what to do.

22That will keep your soul alive. And your life will be good.

23You will walk and you will not fall. Your feet will keep to the path.

24You will not be afraid when you go to bed. And you will sleep well.

25Bad things happen to bad men. But you will not have to be afraid about bad things that might surprise you.

26You will be able to trust the LORD. He will not let you fall into a hole that bad men have dug.

27Do not refuse to do good things to those that need it. Always do good things to them when you can.

28Do not ask anyone to wait until tomorrow if you can help them today.

29The man who lives next to you trusts you. So do not think about doing bad things to him.

30Do not quarrel with other people for no good reason when they have never done anything wrong to you.

31You should not want to be like bad people. Do not do anything that they do.

32The LORD hates people who do bad things. But he shows his purposes to good people.

33The LORD will cause bad things to happen to the homes of bad people. But he does good things to the homes of good people.

34The LORD laughs at people who laugh at other people. But he is kind to people who have problems.

35 Wise people will be called great. But silly people will not be called great.

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